function getxpcFileData(ModelName,OutFilePath,Description) % getxpcFileData - Retrieve file scope data from target PC % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Abstract: This function retrieves the data from xPC file scopes. It % searches the specified model for any xPC Target scopes of type 'file' and % looks for the target filename specified in each of these scopes. It % collects the data on the target PC file system, and saves it on the host % PC in a .mat file format. In the .mat file, each target scope will be % stored in a structure called 'xpcdataN', where N is the scope number. % Each signal is stored as a field of the structure by its signal name, for % example 'xpcdata1.signal_name_1'. % % Syntax: % getxpcFileData; % getxpcFileData('ModelName'); % getxpcFileData('ModelName','OutFilePath','Description'); % % Inputs: % ModelName - name of the Simulink model % OutFilePath - output file path % Description - description of this data set % % Outputs: % none % % Examples: % getxpcFileData('test_model'); % % load DataFileName.mat % to load the mat file (or click the link) % % xpcdata1 %to show what is in the structure for this scope % % f = fields(xpcdata1) %to return the field names in this structure % % xpcdata1.signal_name %to return the raw data of a signal % % plot(xpcdata1.time,xpcdata1.signal_name) %to plot a signal % % Notes: % - You can optionally specify the output file path and description at % the command line. If you do not, a dialog will ask for this info. % - Vector signals are not fully supported. If an xPC scope is recording % a vector signal, the names and data retrieved will not match correctly. % - Signal names will be modified to ensure they are valid MATLAB variable % names. % - This function assumes you are using the object named 'tg' for the % target PC object, and that it exists in the base workspace. If it % does not exist, this function will attempt to search the file system % on the default target PC that your host PC is configured to use. % % Copyright 2007 The MathWorks, Inc. % % Auth/Revision: % The MathWorks Consulting Group % $Author: rjackey $ % $Revision: 10 $ $Date: 2007-07-26 15:56:29 -0400 (Thu, 26 Jul 2007) $ % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Check input arguments if nargin < 1 ModelName = bdroot; elseif nargin == 1 % Prompt the user for the output file name and description % Default save file name DefaultName = ['.\Test data\' 'xPC_Data_' datestr(now, 'yyyymmdd_HHMMSS') '.mat']; % Bring up a dialog asking where to save the file [OutFileName,OutPath] = uiputfile('*.mat','Save Target File Scope Data to Host',DefaultName); % If the user cancelled, just return if isequal(OutFileName,0) return; end % Put together the full path to the output file OutFilePath = fullfile(OutPath,OutFileName); % Bring up a dialog to get the description Answer = inputdlg('Enter a description for all xPC file scope data:',... 'Description',1,{''},'on'); if isempty(Answer) Description = ''; else Description = Answer{1}; end elseif nargin == 3 % Clean up the filename and path info [OutPath,OutFileName,OutFileExt] = fileparts(OutFilePath); if isempty(OutPath) OutPath = pwd; OutFilePath = fullfile(OutPath,[OutFileName OutFileExt]); end else error('Improper input arguments'); end %% Get info on all file scopes in the model % Get handles to all xPC file scope blocks hFileScopes = find_system(ModelName,'LookUnderMasks','all',... 'FollowLinks','on','MaskType','xpcscopeblock','scopetype','File'); % Get the file name that each scope writes to ScopeFileNames = get_param(hFileScopes,'filename'); % Get the scope numbers ScopeNumbers = get_param(hFileScopes,'scopeno'); % Make a list of variable names (e.g. 'xpcdata1','xpcdata4', where '1','4' % correspond to the xPC scope numbers VarNames = strcat({'xpcdata'},ScopeNumbers); %% Read the data files from the target PC % Get the name of the xPC target object from RTW options % get_param(ModelName,'RTWOptions') % -aRL32ObjectName="tg" % Start a waitbar, in case the files are large hWaitbar = waitbar(0,'Opening xPC Target File System'); % Get the xPC Target object from the base workspace try tg = evalin('base','tg'); % Get a target file system object filesys = tg.fs; % Make sure the file system is available if isempty(filesys) error('Unable to access target PC file system.') end catch %possible error: insert tg=xpctarget.xpc again instead of tg=filesys if %error occur. %tg = xpctarget.xpc; %tg = filesys; % Get a target file system object %filesys = tg.fs; filesys = xpctarget.fs; % Make sure the file system is available if isempty(filesys) error('Unable to access target PC file system.') end end % Loop through each data file NumScopes = length(ScopeFileNames); for i=1:NumScopes % Update the waitbar waitbar(i/NumScopes,hWaitbar,['Reading Target File ' int2str(i) '/' int2str(NumScopes)]); % Open the file for reading fid = filesys.fopen(ScopeFileNames{i}); % If the file could not be opened, warn and skip to the next iteration if isequal(fid,-1) warning('getxpcFileData:UnableToOpen',... ['Unable to open target file ''' ScopeFileNames{i} '''.']); RawData = []; else % Read the binary contents of the file BinaryData = filesys.fread(fid); % Close the file filesys.fclose(fid); % Convert to MATLAB format MLData = readxpcfile(BinaryData); RawData =; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Change this format into a customized structure array %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Make sure that 'ShowPropagatedSignals' is on for the SrcPort try hPorts = get_param(hFileScopes{i},'PortHandles'); hLine = get_param(hPorts.Inport,'Line'); hSrcPort = get_param(hLine,'SrcPortHandle'); set_param(hSrcPort,'ShowPropagatedSignals','on'); catch end % Get the input signal names for this file scope SigNamesStr = get_param(hFileScopes{i},'InputSignalNames'); if ~isempty(SigNamesStr{1}) SigNamesCell = textscan(SigNamesStr{1},'%s','whitespace',' \b\t<>','delimiter',','); SigNamesCell = strrep(SigNamesCell{1},'>',''); end % Initialize an empty struct into a temp variable % It initially has one field called 'time' xpcdata_temp = struct('time',[],'description',Description,'signals',{[]},... 'scopeno',ScopeNumbers{i}); % Make sure that RawData is not empty if ~isempty(RawData) % Save the time vector xpcdata_temp.time = RawData(:,end); % Save the datestamp FileInfo = filesys.dir(ScopeFileNames{i}); xpcdata_temp.datestamp = [ ' ' FileInfo.time]; % Loop through each signal (each column of data, except the last) for j=1:(size(RawData,2)-1) % Get the signal name of this data try % Get this signal name SigName = SigNamesCell{j}; % Replace '%' with 'Pct' SigName = regexprep(SigName,'%','Pct'); % Remove any non alpha/numeric/underscores from the signal name SigName = regexprep(SigName,'\W+','_'); % Remove any underscores from the beginning or end SigName = regexprep(SigName,'(^_+)|(_+)$',''); % Generate a valid variable name from the signal name, % excluding variable names that have already been used SigName = genvarname(SigName,fields(xpcdata_temp)); catch SigName = ['noname' int2str(j)]; end % Save data column for this signal xpcdata_temp.(SigName) = RawData(:,j); % Save the signal name xpcdata_temp.signals{j} = SigName; end end % Put the temporary structure into the assigned variable name eval([VarNames{i} '=xpcdata_temp;']); end % Update the waitbar waitbar(1,hWaitbar,['Saving Output ' OutFileName]); %% Save the data to the host PC, and clean up % Save the .mat file save(OutFilePath,VarNames{:}); % Close Waitbar delete(hWaitbar); % Display a success message to the user cr = sprintf('\n'); disp(['Successfully saved target file scope data to ''' OutFilePath '''. ' cr... 'Click here to load this file into the MATLAB workspace.']);